
I wonder who first…..

…looked at a snail and thought, “Mmmm, yummy!”

…looked at the truffles the pigs dug out and thought, “Well, if it’s good enough for the pig….!!”

…had the guts to try tomatoes again for the first time since they had been declared poisonous.

…thought that burning his food would make it more appetising to eat.

…thought that a yam would make good eating despite the itchy, outer skin.

…had such a dearth of food that he kept working with an artichoke until he found a part of it that he could eat.

…ate a blowfish without knowing the Russian roulette that eating the fish involved….and lived to tell the tale.

…had the guts to try armadillo or snake OR cockroaches (my personal nightmare)

…looked at flour and thought, “Hmm, I’m sure if I mixed that with water and live organisms, I can create an awesome carb!”

…thought of raw egg whites, oil and lemon juice as a tasty combination.

…was so starved that he decided friends are food.

~ by summerlightning on April 2, 2007.

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